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Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2009, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1474
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Pa še posnetk pretepa Groza- Gratton

14 Dec 2009 21:37 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2009, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1474
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Srečanje so bolj kot sama igra zaznamovale številne izključitve. Kar nekaj je bilo takšnih, za katere nismo imeli pravega odgovora, pa vendar, na kriterij sodniške trojice ne gre vplivati. "Pod taktirko tega sodnika Olimpija še nikoli ni zmagala. Vnesel je kar nekaj zmedenosti, ki je tekmo peljal po svoje," je sodniške odločitve komentirala domača klop, ki skupaj z Jeseničani ugotavlja sojenje na škodo slovenskih predstavnikov v ligi. "To je nek problem. Tudi publika je izgubila živce, kar je nek pokazatelj, da nekaj ni v redu," še dodajajo pod Šišenskim hribom. "Nekatere izključitve ne sodijo niti na pionirske tekme," se je jezil eden od zmajev. "Sodnik ne bi smel toliko vplivati na samo igro," je k nenavadnemu sojenju prikimal tudi David Rodman.


14 Dec 2009 22:02 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2009, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1474
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
zmajčk je napisal/a:
ah katastrofa je blo tole učeri...sploh pa najprej je blo rečen kao groza 2 minute pa kazn igre un jodlar pa 5 minut zrd grobosti pa n vem kwa še, a pol so grozi dal 5 minut unim pa nč Very Happy...sj u današnm Dnevniku lepo piše neki na foro da je že jeseniški predstavnik na seji EBEL al tm nek uglaunm reku da če misljo jodlarji tko pristransko sodt jih njihou klub ne misl več plačvt

Sekelj se je nato dotaknil tudi sestanka predstavnikov moštev, kjer se je ena izmed točk dnevnega reda nanašala prav na sojenje ekipam, ki ne prihajajo iz Avstrije: "V soboto je bil sestanek lige EBEL in med drugim smo se lotili tudi sojenja, kjer je bilo veliko pripomb. Tudi predsednik Jesenic, Slavko Kanalec, je dejal, da ne bo plačeval sodnikov v smislu, da sodijo tako na škodo slovenskih klubov. To je problem, ki je viden. Proti tako kvalitetnim ekipam se ob takem sodniškem kriteriju kar koli težko naredi. Zaradi sodnikov pa je danes živce zgubila tudi publika."

14 Dec 2009 22:06 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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Pridružen/-a: 24.03. 2008, 12:45
Prispevkov: 1290
Kraj: metropola

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
mah neumno je da sodniki tok vplivajo na igro, k ti vzamejo uso voljo do obiska tekm...vsa čast igralcem k to tko hmmm mirno prenašajo (ok ja je to njihova služba sam useen), k že jz tm gor čist žiučna ratam pa bi šla najraj uno zebro dol užgt kako more bit to šele igraucu...da bi bla pa na mestu banhama bi se mi pa kr utrgal pumoje (k ga zadne cajte toučejo lih kokr čjo sodniki pa čist nč ne piskajo)

Če bi imela življenji dve, tebi OLIMPIJA bi dala obe!
Yarema: V polnem Tivoliju so doma najboljši navijači v ligi!
14 Dec 2009 23:06 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo MSN Messenger - naslov
na preizkušnji
na preizkušnji

Pridružen/-a: 15.12. 2009, 16:10
Prispevkov: 11
Kraj: Vienna

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
i'm sorry, but i can't speak/read slovenian.
I hope you can english (or german) and can help me.
I'm from Vienna and very interested in Hockey (so i'm a Vienna Capitals-Fan Very Happy ).
My favorite player is David Rodman. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
After the last game on 13.12.09 i've looked for some videos of the fight. The video which LBJ#23 has posted i already know.
Then i've found another video on rtvslo.si:
That's an interview with Marcel Rodman. And know my question: is this an interview after the game? And is he talking about the game (what happens before the fight)? Can somebody tell me in sum, what Marcel is talking in the interview? PLEASE Very Happy

And here is a second video which i've found on youtube:
And what they are speaking there in this video? I also don't understand that. Somebody says: "They all whined about bad referee calls (David Rodman as well)." Is this correct? What has David Rodman said?

I hope you can tell me some details of the videos/interviews. Very Happy
Sadly, the austrian reports about the game is very poor. So we in Austria don't know much about the game. Crying or Very sad
I'm impressed with the slovenian reports. It seems that the Slovenian has much more reports about hockey than we have in Austria.

Thanks... Wink
16 Dec 2009 09:49 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Obišči avtorjevo spletno stran
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Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2009, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1474
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Ok, I will try to explaine what happened. As you probuabely already know, the game was won by Vienna thanks to austrian referee. I certain that you (austrians) do not know how it feels like, that if you are better opponenet and you lost the game just because the referees. The sad part is that there is nothing we can do about it.
As I was saying, in the 1. period there were many suspision calls made by the referee, so Vienna was more that less in powerplay- so they had not much problems scoring the goal. If Olimpija wanted to had a powerplay it had to be a really bad foul. Despite that the referee usually did not blow its whistle- it was when the crowd reacted(started to shout), then the referee raised his hand(3 and more seconds after the foul). Then Olimpija tied the score. After that the linesman(co-referee) unintentionality stopped the puck, and he also stopped the game, and throw the puck in boulie in our defensive 1/3. In that boulie Vienna got the puck that was passed to D.Rodman who shoot and score- so once again a referee "mistake". So as soon as we tied the score again, there were just our players who were punished(2min)- because all those desicions and Vienna scoring the crowd has gone insane (the referee was just laughing). Then Vienna scored again for 2-4 (here were no referee desicions that caused that goal-it was our defense that screwed). That there was the same story- it were only Olimpijas players who had to go to the bench for 2min, despite Banham got 2x the stick in his face. Its also true that you dont usually see the players who would be shouting at the referee, when they were punished- that because noone has dane a foul. After that we expected that our coach will take the players in the dressing
room and that they wont came out- a would agree with that because the judging was terrible!!! So because there was no way we could even tied the game and the referee was continuing with his method, the audience throw on ice and at referee all that the had in front of them- the ice was full of newspapers(it was like it snowed, so they had to clean the ice and there was a 10min intermission. After that coach send Groznik in boulie- so we all speculated there is gonna be a fight and we were right. After that Olimpija got 5min more penalty then Vienna, so Vienna scored for 2-6. After that the referee didnt want to call any more fouls in hope the the audience would forgived him- but what the hell, the score was already 2-6, so its easy for not to call any fouls anymore.
In the interview, Marcel Rodman talked about the unprofesional behaviour of the Acroni Jesenice management,
because he and David still didnt get paid 2/3 of their salaries from last year or last season, when they played for Jesenice. Then M. Rodman also admited that the judging on this game was not fair! Then he also says the if his team (vienna) is with all the players that they are extremely dangerous. So I hope I helped you with that, and one more thing (austrians should be ashemed because of the referees in EBEL- it is not hard to have a winning streak if you gat such a help from the refs. If slowenian team wants to win it has to be 200% better that day, because they need to fight against the opponents and the referees) THAT IS MY OPINION.

16 Dec 2009 10:37 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2009, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1474
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
LBJ#23 je napisal/a:
Ok, I will try to explaine what happened. As you probuabely already know, the game was won by Vienna thanks to austrian referee. I certain that you (austrians) do not know how it feels like, that if you are better opponenet and you lost the game just because the referees. The sad part is that there is nothing we can do about it.
As I was saying, in the 1. period there were many suspision calls made by the referee, so Vienna was more that less in powerplay- so they had not much problems scoring the goal. If Olimpija wanted to had a powerplay it had to be a really bad foul. Despite that the referee usually did not blow its whistle- it was when the crowd reacted(started to shout), then the referee raised his hand(3 and more seconds after the foul). Then Olimpija tied the score. After that the linesman(co-referee) unintentionality stopped the puck, and he also stopped the game, and throw the puck in boulie in our defensive 1/3. In that boulie Vienna got the puck that was passed to D.Rodman who shoot and score- so once again a referee "mistake". So as soon as we tied the score again, there were just our players who were punished(2min)- because all those desicions and Vienna scoring the crowd has gone insane (the referee was just laughing). Then Vienna scored again for 2-4 (here were no referee desicions that caused that goal-it was our defense that screwed). That there was the same story- it were only Olimpijas players who had to go to the bench for 2min, despite Banham got 2x the stick in his face. Its also true that you dont usually see the players who would be shouting at the referee, when they were punished- that because noone has dane a foul. After that we expected that our coach will take the players in the dressing
room and that they wont came out- a would agree with that because the judging was terrible!!! So because there was no way we could even tied the game and the referee was continuing with his method, the audience throw on ice and at referee all that the had in front of them- the ice was full of newspapers(it was like it snowed, so they had to clean the ice and there was a 10min intermission. After that coach send Groznik in boulie- so we all speculated there is gonna be a fight and we were right. After that Olimpija got 5min more penalty then Vienna, so Vienna scored for 2-6. After that the referee didnt want to call any more fouls in hope the the audience would forgived him- but what the hell, the score was already 2-6, so its easy for not to call any fouls anymore.
In the interview, Marcel Rodman talked about the unprofesional behaviour of the Acroni Jesenice management,
because he and David still didnt get paid 2/3 of their salaries from last year or last season, when they played for Jesenice. Then M. Rodman also admited that the judging on this game was not fair! Then he also says the if his team (vienna) is with all the players that they are extremely dangerous. So I hope I helped you with that, and one more thing (austrians should be ashemed because of the referees in EBEL- it is not hard to have a winning streak if you gat such a help from the refs. If slowenian team wants to win it has to be 200% better that day, because they need to fight against the opponents and the referees) THAT IS MY OPINION.

And btw, the referee is responsible for the injury of Rotter- because of the terrible judging the crowd threw everything on ice (newspapers, coins,...) and even after the cleaning there were few things still on ice, so Rotter unfortunatelly stepped on some coin and fell and so injured his knee.

16 Dec 2009 10:43 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
na preizkušnji
na preizkušnji

Pridružen/-a: 15.12. 2009, 16:10
Prispevkov: 11
Kraj: Vienna

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
thx a lot, LBJ#23, for all these details.
Oh the referees in EBEL... we (in Austira) are also not satisfied with them.

And btw, the referee is responsible for the injury of Rotter- because of the terrible judging the crowd threw everything on ice (newspapers, coins,...) and even after the cleaning there were few things still on ice, so Rotter unfortunatelly stepped on some coin and fell and so injured his knee.

WHAT? Rotter has again injured his knee - in this game?? Did I hear right? Do you mean, that Rotter has injured in THIS game??
I didn't hear anything about that... Question (oh god, the print media in Austria is terrible Rolling Eyes Embarassed )
16 Dec 2009 11:58 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Obišči avtorjevo spletno stran
Jure #72
Administrator foruma
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 22.03. 2008, 21:38
Prispevkov: 4869

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
LBJ#23 je napisal/a:
Pa še posnetk pretepa Groza- Gratton

Benoit Gratton Wink

16 Dec 2009 12:50 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Zeleni Zmaj
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Pridružen/-a: 28.09. 2008, 08:16
Prispevkov: 1103
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Dobr ga je Groznil zlomu. Laughing Če ne drugega imamo saj odlične fighterje v ekipi. Razz

Dej gol za OLIMPIJO
Dej gol za METROPOLO
Dej gol za DRAGONSE

Eno Življenje, Ena Ljubezen

16 Dec 2009 13:17 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo MSN Messenger - naslov
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Pridružen/-a: 24.03. 2008, 12:45
Prispevkov: 1290
Kraj: metropola

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Punky je napisal/a:
thx a lot, LBJ#23, for all these details.
Oh the referees in EBEL... we (in Austira) are also not satisfied with them.

you're not satisfied, I bet you're in a lot better position as we are...come to one game when we play against Austrian club and you'll see what's happening in Ljubljana Smile and this isn't something new for us, this in happening all the time since our first season, so we get used to the fact that refs won't be on our side but when come the game which is important for us it's even more obviuos that someone somewhere don't want us to win...I can only say that refs don't have the same criteria for Austrian and not Austrian clubs
and as already LBJ#23 said, it's really terrible feeling to know that you could win the game but than the refs start with their performance and you can't do anything against it

what to say about our media and hockey? I can only tell you that before EBEL you didn't find hockey in the news, ok forget the world championships and NHL, but now media write a lot about hockey because with EBEL our hockey became more interesting. But it's true that after the game when you read the article in the newspapir you sometimes ask yourself if you and the journalist were on the same match Very Happy but this is another story Wink

Če bi imela življenji dve, tebi OLIMPIJA bi dala obe!
Yarema: V polnem Tivoliju so doma najboljši navijači v ligi!
16 Dec 2009 13:33 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo MSN Messenger - naslov
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Pridružen/-a: 24.03. 2008, 12:45
Prispevkov: 1290
Kraj: metropola

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Zeleni Zmaj je napisal/a:
Dobr ga je Groznil zlomu. Laughing Če ne drugega imamo saj odlične fighterje v ekipi. Razz

bi ga loh še bol če neb blo sodnika zravn pa če neb biu najprej fajn 2 jodlarja prot Grozi Very Happy

Če bi imela življenji dve, tebi OLIMPIJA bi dala obe!
Yarema: V polnem Tivoliju so doma najboljši navijači v ligi!
16 Dec 2009 13:34 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo MSN Messenger - naslov
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Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2009, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1474
Kraj: Ljubljana

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
zmajčk je napisal/a:
Zeleni Zmaj je napisal/a:
Dobr ga je Groznil zlomu. Laughing Če ne drugega imamo saj odlične fighterje v ekipi. Razz

bi ga loh še bol če neb blo sodnika zravn pa če neb biu najprej fajn 2 jodlarja prot Grozi Very Happy

Glede pretepov se pa lahko pohvalmo, ker mislm da v EBELu še noben nš hokejist ni bil tepen, ampak jih je fasal njegov nasprotnik (Groznik-Green, Yarema-Fodor, Kužnik- salzburžan(nwem imena), Groznik-Gratton)- te mislm, da so bli eni izmed osrednjih pretepov, ne vem pa kako je bilo kaj na gostovanjih. Laughing

16 Dec 2009 20:40 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
joker iz klopi
joker iz klopi

Pridružen/-a: 18.05. 2009, 16:07
Prispevkov: 433
Kraj: Kamnik

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
LBJ#23 je napisal/a:
zmajčk je napisal/a:
Zeleni Zmaj je napisal/a:
Dobr ga je Groznil zlomu. Laughing Če ne drugega imamo saj odlične fighterje v ekipi. Razz

bi ga loh še bol če neb blo sodnika zravn pa če neb biu najprej fajn 2 jodlarja prot Grozi Very Happy

Glede pretepov se pa lahko pohvalmo, ker mislm da v EBELu še noben nš hokejist ni bil tepen, ampak jih je fasal njegov nasprotnik (Groznik-Green, Yarema-Fodor, Kužnik- salzburžan(nwem imena), Groznik-Gratton)- te mislm, da so bli eni izmed osrednjih pretepov, ne vem pa kako je bilo kaj na gostovanjih. Laughing

saj u nečem smo prvi Very Happy Laughing Laughing Laughing

16 Dec 2009 22:24 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo MSN Messenger - naslov
Administrator foruma
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 12.03. 2008, 20:25
Prispevkov: 2336
Kraj: Škofja Loka

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
LBJ pozabu si Murič - Sabolič Razz Razz Cool Cool Cool Very Happy Very Happy Tle smo tud zmagal! Razz

OLIMPIJA gre Arrow

lep dan vam želi administrator foruma Malinuc
17 Dec 2009 01:27 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Obišči avtorjevo spletno stran MSN Messenger - naslov
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